Our Earth is Our Life

Monday, May 4, 2009

Add Emoticons To Your Posting

Your posting is too boring to see?Add emoticons, and see what happens..biggrinbiggrinbiggrinlovelovelovelove
  1. First you must install Firefox. If you don't have it, Find it here.
  2. Then install Greasemonkey to your Add-ons. After that, restart your Firefox. Firefox will save your session.
  3. After restart the firefox, install the scripts here

When you make a new posting, see at the box above. Just click, and they'll
If you want Naruto emoticons click here
If you want Kitty emoticons click here
If you want Pika emoticons click here
And for Pucca emoticons click here

Enjoy it....

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Animation Moving Objects With Motion Guide(Macromedia Flash 8)

Step 1
As usual, draw an object.In this case, I use a circle (Oval Tool). Then, right-click the object, and convert to symbol, select movie, OK. At the top left, click add motion guide.

Step 2
After make a layer guide, click layer Guide, select pencil tool. Draw a line at the middle of the object. Don't let the line broke, the line will be your object moving's guide

Step 3
Insert keyframe 30 in layer 1 dan layer guide. Then click layer 1, and make sure, at the beginning of the line is located on the middle of the object. Click frame layer 1 at 30, Move the object to the end of the line(see at the picture) with selection tool. A small circle on the middle of the object, must be located at the end of the line's guide.Use keyboard to make it easy.

Step 4
Right-click at the middle of frame layer 1. Create Motion Tween.Enter.

Step 5
If you want to clear the line, click a black dot in layer guide (left).

To see the result click here

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Final Fantasy VIII

Best Game from PS ONE is Final Fantasy VIII !!! I love Rinoa...She's very cute. I like when she dances with Squall, I think that is the best scene...!!!!
Squall attends a military school known as "Balamb Garden". The school is for children as young as six, up to young adults of 19. If a student doesn't pass an exam in their later years, however, they are expelled from the school. One skill that students learn at the school, in addition to combat skills, is magic. Magic is a hard skill to master in the world of FFVIII, and therefore only graduates of Garden are skilled enough to use it.

The countries in the world of FFVIII decided in the past that the graduates of Garden would join a group unaffiliated with the individual countries. Once in this private group, a graduate is obligated to join a foreign government or army, with different level of rankings, depending on whether negotiations had been successfully established between Garden and the foreign country's army. Assignments are made regardless of a graduate's personal wishes.

The highest achieving students of Garden are eligible to join an elite forces group known as "SeeD". Squall is rumored to be an extremely apt student at Garden, and attempts to join SeeD. This again draws many parallels with Cloud, and the First Class ranking he "had" in SOLDIER from Final Fantasy VII. A main character being involved with the military, however, isn't new to the Final Fantasy series. Final Fantasy IV involved Cecil, a captain of a airship fleet, and Final Fantasy VI began with Terra, who was used by an evil empire as a soldier.


Name : Squall Leonhart
Age : 17
Class : Seed Member
Weapon : Gun Blade
Sex : Male
Squall is an expressionless distant teenager from Balamb Garden. He is troubled by his dreams, and finds the whole concept of emotions very hard to grasp.

Name : Rinoa Heartilly
Age : 17
Class : Summoner
Weapon : Blaster Edge
Sex : Female
Leader of the "forest owls", a resistance group fighting for the indepence of timber from the government's control, she is strong willed and kind hearted, making her a great leader.

Name : Zell Dincht
Age : 17
Class : Fighter
Weapon :Gloves
Sex : Male
An aspiring Martial Arts fighter, he wants to follow in his grandfather's footsteps. He joined balamb when he was 13, and has a short temper.

Name : Quistis Trepe
Age : 18
Class : Director
Weapon : Chain Whip
Sex : Female
Even though she has a groupie following, and is well known and liked at Balamb, Quistis is lonely. She considers Squall as one of her more "gifted" students.

Name : Irvine Kinneas
Age : 17
Class : Lonesman
Weapon : Gun
Sex : Male
A lone sniper, joining the balamb SeeDs for a critical mission. Underneath the cool, frivilous outer look, he actually is a sensitive and serious person, yet he still is a ladies man.

Name : Shelpie Tilmitt
Age : 17
Class : Seed Student
Weapon : Nunchaku
Sex : Female
A transfer student from trabia garden, Selphie's a kind and gentle person, up until the point where she gets onto the battlefield, where she wields her nunchaku with unrivalled skill.

Name : Laguna Loire
Age : 17
Class : Soldier
Weapon : Machine Gun
Sex : Male
A soldier, but only skin deep, as he really wants to be a Journalist. Well respected by his friends, he is trying to find his daughter. Once a protector of a small town called Winhill.

Name : Seifer Almasy
Age : 18
Class : Seed Member
Weapon : Gun Blade
Sex : Male
A powerful, cocky, and stubborn warrior, he considers Squall to be his main challenge. He always talks about a "romantic dream" what could this mean?

Best Soundtrack:
Eyes On Me

Codec WMP (Make your WMP PERFECT)

Don't download a lot of players to play mp4, 3gp, avi, and rm. But, there is a way to make your WMP more perfect. K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 4.8.0.
This is a program to make your WMP can play anything videos format.
And it's freeware..What you waiting for??

Download here:

After install it, don't choose Media Player Classic. Just create Association with WMP, and check all of the video format and audio format.

Download dari Youtube

Siapa yang tak kenal youtube?Situs raksasa ini mempunyai segala macam video yang anda inginkan. Kartun, Animasi, Pembuatan virus, Pekerjaan, dan masih banyak lagi. Namun sayangnya Si youtube ini lumayan pelit. Kita tidak bisa menyimpan film yang ada di situs ini. Nah, bila anda ingin menyimpan film dari youtube ini, ada beberapa langkah/cara:
Pertama masuk ke isikan url/adress dari video yang anda inginkan.Misal anda ingin mendownload video dengan url:
Lalu caranya seperti ini:

Setelah memasukan url video, klik download di sebelah kanan url tersebut.Lalu lihat di bawahnya akan ada seperti ini

Bila ingin video berkualitas tinggi, klik download "get_video.mp4"

2.Youtube Downloader
Kalo ga pengen susah2 kaya di, Pake aja software ini. Tinggal install dan langsung jalan. Free juga koq...Situs Download:

3.Orbit Downloader
Orbit sebenarnya tidak saya sarankan. Karena di Komputer saya, orbit tidak compatible dengan Firefox mozilla.

Bila tidak punya player file dengan format mp4, 3gp, anda bisa mendownloadnya di google.Tapi bila anda malas mendownload player klik cara lainnya disini

Cleaner for PC!!!Easy Cleaner

Komputer kita kebanyakan menyimpan file-file sampah (junk files) yang cukup membebani hardisk. Apalagi cookies yang seringkali dianggap AVG sebagai "warning threat". Emang file-file sampah itu harus dibinasakan semua. Nah, pake aja Easy Cleaner. Download di sini:

Freeware,no cash...^^

Keterangan Menu:
1.Registry : menghapus registry yang sudah tidak terpakai
2.Duplicates : menghapus file yang kembar/terduplikat
3.Unnecessary : menghapus file, internet cookies, dan sampah2 lain dalam harddisk
4.Shorcuts : menghapus shorcut yang tidak terpakai
5.Clear files : menghapus file-file di temporary files, yang biasanya hidden folder
6.Clear cookies : langsung pake setelah internetan...
7.Undo : membatalkan langkah yang baru saja kita jalankan
8.MRU : menghapus file yang baru kita buka. Biasanya untuk menjaga privasi

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Animation Motion Shape (Macromedia Flash 8)

Step 1
Draw an object, In this case I use rectangle tool. Right-click, insert keyframe at 20. Then, click on 20, and draw a circle (other shape).

Step 2
after drawing a circle, still on the frame 20, delete the box. Right click between 0-20 on the frame and select shape at properties.

Step 3
After that, insert keyframe on the number 40. Draw an image according to your imagination. Then delete the circle. At properties, select shape again.

For the result click here

Animation Moving Object (Motion Tween)

Step 1
draw a circle / a square using oval or rectangle tool. Right click, Convert to symbol, Movie Clip.

Step 2
Right-click, Insert keyframe in the frame at 5. Click the frame at 5, move the
circle / square with the selection tool (selection tool is in the top left)

Step 3
right-click between 0 and number 5, Create Motion Tween.

Step 4
Enter ...^^
If you want to create the object moves back to the first place, do the same thing above.
The keys are insert keyframe and do not forget to move the object on the end of the frame.
For result click here

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Tutorial Animasi Membuat Gradasi Tulisan (Mask)

Berikut adalah cara membuat judul di atas. Lumayan buat iseng-iseng keren juga loh...Mumpung saya juga masih pemula...Langsung aja.
Pertama tama buka Macromedianya...
Setelah itu, pilih Text Tool yang icon nya "A". Text Tool berada pada Tools Bar di sebelah kiri.lalu tulis tulisan yang anda inginkan.Contoh:

Setelah menulis kata yang anda inginkan pada LAYER 1,klik kanan pada angka 40 di layer satu,lalu pilih “insert keyframe” .Setelah itu klik insert layer . Pada layer 2 gambarlah sebuah lingkaran dengan menggunakan Oval tool.Lingkaran akan lebih menarik bila berwarna gradien. INGAT pastikan klik layer 2 sebelum menggambar lingkaran. Lingkaran harus berada di layer 2.Contoh:

Setelah menggambar seperti di atas, di layer 2 klik kanan pada lingkaran anda, pilih Convert To Symbol. Setelah itu pilih type movie clip, pilih ok. Lalu insert keyframe pada layer 2.Di sini kita harus memasukan keyframe pada layer 2 secara berurutan sampai 40.setiap kita memasukan insert keyframe, geser lingkaran untuk menutupi tulisan. Pada angka 5 saya geser lingkaran sedikit lebih ke kanan,begitu seterusnya masukan dengan kelipatan 5. Geser terus ke kanan lingkarannya.

Pada layer 2 di angka 20, saya geser lingkaran yang sudah mentok ke kanan, menjadi ke kiri sampai angka 40 dan kembali ke tempat semula.

Setelah itu, Di tengah-tengah frame kecil pada layer 2, klik kanan lalu pilih Create Motion Tween.Sehingga muncul tanda panah kecil seperti di bawah.Contoh:

Setelah itu drag layer 1 ke atas, menggantikan posisi layer 2.layer 2 dibawah,layer 1 di atas. Klik kanan layer 1, pilih mask
Dan hasil akhirnya.....klik disini

Everything's free here... :)

Suteki Da Ne